Books Of David Ruhlman



I highly recommend the current show happening at Object, a very curious and wonderful gallery. You'll find a series of hand made books by local artist David Ruhlman called TODAY I FOUND THE GOLDEN WORLD. In them his miniature, sometimes unfinished pen and ink illustrations do mortal combat with more savage techniques which are encased in some very radical 4AD style book crafting.

If you haven't yet been to Object, prepare to be delighted by the meticulous design of the space, the vast in-house collection as well as the hospitality of it's owner and curator, Scott Stiefel.

The artist David Ruhlman will be speaking about his work in person at the gallery on Sept. 22nd at 7pm.

Object Gallery, 247 E. 900 South; Phone: 328-2306
Gallery hours: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Friday & Saturday only)




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