I Thank You


Yet again, JUST WANNA DANCE this past saturday was a miraculous success! I want to personally thank all the wonderful people who made the extra effort to come out and enjoy Session Two despite the awful turn in the weather.

Several people mentioned to me that they came on Saturday with a less than stellar attitude due to a stressful work week amongst other reasons, and they left the party feeling high on life and the music. In fact, by the time we opened the doors, myself and Nick were feeling pretty tired ourselves just from finishing all the stuff we wanted to have ready for the night. Yet somehow we centered our energy (energy = red bull/vodka), let our love for the music take over and enjoyed the ride as much as everyone else.

One of the fun things about tag-teaming with Nick is that I get little windows of time to talk to everyone and bust some moves of my own on the dance floor. I noticed that for some reason the dancefloor felt more intimate and naturally funky this time. As if everyone there wants this as bad as we do.

We want to send out some extra special love to our host Carly and special helpers Todd, Roth & Jessica for coming through on the day of the show by manning our newly minted T-Shirt factory and the "Death-Mix-Tape-Sauce" factory (don't ask, we were high on Tab Energy) at NCM headquarters. Thanks also goes out to Jason our MC and Chris Howard, who came through with the genius visuals that featured our JWD logo bathed in bad 80's tracer effects over the top of instructional dance footage from around the world. One word: HOT ...and he swears it will be even better next time.

For anyone interested in getting one of our awesome T-shirts, please contact me at email@newcitymovement.com and I'll see if we still have your size or we'll put you on a pre-order list for the next batch. There are girls sizes too for any biddies out there who hate boy T-shirts.


Rock Bottom Riser


Fingers Breakdancing