Art Crimes Against Humanity 001


Another new feature here at NCM is going to be my regular cataloging of what I like to call ART CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Art and beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say. Well, my eye isn't so easily fooled, and some things are so hideous they simply must be held up to the light for public mockery.

Our first installment is a "painting" that resides on the wall of a reception area in my office building. On the second floor it lurks, just out of view until you reach the top of the staircase where it proceeds to projectile vomit into your retinas. Everyday we suffer in silence. Lesson: Caution must be applied when anything in the vein of Spin-Art comes across the auction block at your local thrift store. Add this to a professional setting and... BOO!


Reflective Skin
