Divine Strake Meeting Moved Last Minute

The Jan. 10 public meeting on Divine Strake has suddenly been moved to the Grand America Hotel at 555 So. Main at 6:30 p.m today, Wednesday. The National Nuclear Security Administration and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency said late today that the previous location wasn't available. Curious they didn't know this earlier.

You'll have  a chance to participate in a true public hearing where public comment will be taken at the hearings that Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman is hosting. They will be: 

St. George, Jan. 18 from 5-8 p.m. in the Dunford Auditorium of the Browning Building at Dixie State College.
Salt Lake City, Jan. 24 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. in Room 135 of the Utah Capitol West Building, main floor.

[Thanks Pete!]


Wonder At The Elephant God
