Orange Bar


Orange is a new private club "for artists, art lovers, intellectuals, free spirits and friendly souls" located at 533 South & 500 West in Salt Lake City. An industrial warehouse that briefly housed a soul food restaurant in recent years, Orange is a little out of the way but makes for a nice diversion once you discover they have a small plates menu. A lot of hype surrounds the phenomenon of petits plats but the menu here is concise and the prices reasonable, a plus when your looking for something to fill up on while getting tanked.

Lance Edwards is an artist who changed career paths along with some friends who used to tend bar at the venerable Spencer's Steak House to pursue their dream of opening Orange. His work is displayed throughout the space and he plans to have more artists showing in the near future. The old building is in promising shape after this latest redux/remodel and while some of the design choices aren't quite in keeping with it's rustic interior (a corian bar counter top, beige armchairs, odd paint colors), there is plenty of time and space to broaden their brush strokes. We wish them the best of success.

Orange is officially open to the public starting this weekend Friday January 19th. Check it out!

[Thanks for the tip Molly]


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