Light Moves


The first night of PRISM on Friday was a great success thanks to our dedicated dancefloor bitches who came out in force and blessed the wall of sound the with their presence. Of course, there were the minor glitches of any opening night (to be expected), the screen wasn't installed at it's correct angle and the lighting programming needs some more work, but after two shots of Patron Silver it seemed everyone, including myself was ready to bust some serial moov. By the end of the night I felt like we had truly broken in the space and planted the flag for freedom of dancing in the SLC.

I have to say, Nick... Nick Jameses kicked down the m.f. doors... if I don't say so myself. That is why it's so much fun to play with him... he shakes things up and we're always getting inspired by each other and becoming more trusting of where we want to go musically. If we are bored, we know your getting bored. The goal is to keep everyone stimulated and wanting more.

Anyways, I really hope everybody had a great time! Please spread the word on the ground and let's show Maurico Aviles what our newly born PRISM NATION is all about this next Friday.

Oh.. oh! oh!, that promo mix cee-dee we were giving out last night called "PRISM NATION Vol. ONE" is available to stream or dl here. Give it a listen and let us know what you think as well any thoughts or suggestions you might have on our new night in the comments section of this post.


Prince Still Gots It


Elements Of Life Band Pre-Show