Dear Friends,

It is with renewed enthusiasm and also a tinge of sadness that I write the Intellibeam today. I bring news of a major shift in our approach to PRISM at The Depot. After the next two Friday nights, concluding with jojoflores' appearance on May 25th we are going to take a short break for the month of June and come back as an even bigger once monthly party starting in July.

To explain briefly, PRISM has enjoyed an excellent core group of supporters coming out each week and we thank each and every one of you for being there when you could (...we know Friday's are hard). But with the increasing road construction around the Gateway combined with the fact that most Utah clublife slows to a crawl at the start of Summer, we just don't foresee the demand being there on a weekly basis.

Of course I'm a little sad being that we had all the mechanics in place to bring PRISM up to the level it's at now, (quite a job indeed) but the dazzling overall effect will still be there for our monthly events, but now we'll have the budget to bring even bigger talent as well as the time and energy to make each one extra special.

Lest ye not forget there are still TWO slammin' nights of musical mayhem we want you to be a part of. This week will be the last time Nick and I have complete run of the ship, Nick is opening the party and I will be closing. The following week we have a brilliant DJ/Producer from Montreal Canada named JOJOFLORES, so tell your friends and let's end this session with a bang!

Get updates and more at our ever growing website

Looking Forward,

Jesse Walker



JWD + Utah Pride 2007