From Ted McDonough's Hits & Misses column in the current City Weekly:

"This should please the Eagle Forum to no end. In the past 15 years, the number of gay households in Utah has exploded. Utah now ranks 14th among the 50 states for the largest concentration of same-sex couples, compared to 38th in 1990. A lot of those couples were already here 15 years ago, just in the closet. But in addition to a more liberalized Utah climate, the increase appears to result from gays relocating here from big cities, according to the study of U.S. census data by the Williams Institute at UCLA. The study additionally found the largest increase in couples declaring themselves gay in states that banned gay marriage, showing the lasting result of the gay bashing may have been a backlash. Thanks, Gayle Ruzicka."


For The Love Of God, Laugh


There's A New Mayor In Town