Spiral Jetty Threatened by Energy Development


An urgent email to Tyler Green of Modern Art Notes from the Director of Friends of the Great Salt Lake, tells of plans for drilling oil in the Salt Lake near Spiral Jetty. This action would require some kind of industrial complex of pipes and pumps beneath the water and on the shore and would require roads for oil tank trucks, cranes, pumps etc. which produce noise and will severely alter the natural environment.

If you want to send a letter of protest to save the beautiful, natural Utah environment around the Spiral Jetty from oil drilling, the emails or calls of protest go to Jonathan Jemming 801-537-9023 jjemming@utah.gov. Please refer to Application # 8853. Every letter makes a big difference.

UPDATE: The comment period about the Spiral Jetty-impacting energy development has been extended to Feb. 13. For more information from the state of Utah, click here. For more information on how to comment, click here.

The Seattle P-I's Regina Hackett says that the state of Utah has already received 1,000 comments, and that those comments have begun to alert them to the importance of the Jetty. "I think they were impressed to be taking calls from Europe and Japan about an artwork in Utah," the acting director of the Salt Lake City Art Center, Leslie Peterson, told Hackett. [Via: Modern Art Notes]




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