NiteLite July 18th w/ Jesse Walker & Travis Roberts


Resident selector Jesse Walker continues to bring the heat all Summer long at NiteLite... the original 18 carat house party. July introduces guest opening dj Travis Roberts so come get down n' dirty with us as the mercury rises this Saturday!

Saturday, June 18th, 2009
NCM Presents NiteLite
w/ resident JESSE WALKER (NCM)
and introducing TRAVIS ROBERTS
W. Lounge, 358 S. West Temple, SLC, UT
9pm, FREE BEFORE 10:30pm or $6, 21+

This event is sponsored in part by Contact Design, Highlife Salon and the AIGA Salt Lake City.The American Institute of Graphic Arts, who's mission is to advance designing as a professional craft, strategic tool and vital cultural force.



Power, Corruption & Lies