SafeGames 2010

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One of the projects I've worked on recently was a logo, website and campaign materials for a non-profit organization called SafeGames. They help keep people out of harms way during large international events/celebrations like the Olympics coming up in Vancouver B.C. or Mardi Gras (because, let's face it, we're all idiots when we're partying).

 Picture 140The mission includes coordinating local resources to educate the masses about drug and alcohol risks and rescue procedures as well as providing emergency phone numbers and the occasional prophylactic.  View the website we put up in about two weeks time at, this SafeKit card to be handed out with my first ever condom (design)! Lots of credit goes to my cohorts at Contact Design, Whitney Shaw, Ricky Christiansen, Matthew Coles and project coordinator Luciano Colonna for making it all happen as well. It was kind of a fun project so I thought I would share. Click images for larger viewing.



CWMA Opening Party Tonight!


2010 F/W Men