Katharsis, a rebirth for Mark Seely

Please support our friend Mark Seely's gallery show Katharsis coming up at Ulysses on Sunday July 17th.


"Art is my therapy. Art has always been, since I can remember, a form of self-expression, an outlet, a means to strategically vomit my inner turmoil onto a surface that works brilliantly with your new living room color scheme. Only recently have I painted from a place of happiness, inspiration, or excitement. Previously, my passion was derived from despair, from resentment. Regurgitated disgust. I have since found my muse. October 19th 2010 changed my perspective artistically forever. This series represents that to me. A rebirth of sorts, a cleansing of deep-rooted hatred. This is my necessity, and in turn gift to those who can perhaps see a little more, a little further, and hopefully a little clearer through the controlled chaos that is my mind via brushstroke." –
Hale Mark Seely

Sunday, July 17
6:00pm - 8:00 pm
629 South State St
Above Sparks Entrance On North Side
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
(801) 953-0954




Zany Bros