Lonesome Lightbox Boys

From the Salt Lake City Library:

The Lonesome Lightbox Boys

Animated sequences and related works by Ryan Perkins and Max Kelly 
Reception: Sat, Nov 1, 4—5:30pm


THE LONESOME LIGHTBOX BOYS is a collection of animated sequences and related works employing various narrative forms—fractured, non-linear, impressionistic, or otherwise skewed—to navigate a range of themes that resonate with us as artists. Plumbing the profound influences of culture, geography, and the ephemera of our youth, we have cobbled together this celebration of adventure, exploration, and the utterly absurd for your entertainment.

To that end, the collection is a fevered exaltation of our personal deities and demons—the buxom comic book vixen, newsprint funnies, pulp fiction idols, campfire stories to freeze the blood, enigmatic mustaches, Saturday morning cartoons, box top prizes, mad scientists, the virtues of a pocket knife, life on distant planets, the spontaneous, ecstatic chaos of play, and not least of all, the humbling, timeless expanse and beautiful intricacies of a natural world eternally indifferent to human caprice.

Much of the work contained within this show explores the narrative space that exists between words—where sequence and form are left to shoulder the burden of meaning. The communication of themes, emotion, action, and consequence must therefore be adequately expressed by the performance of characters and settings. The animation featured in this exhibit represents the culmination of that effort. We, THE LONESOME LIGHTBOX BOYS, hope you enjoy the show.

See more at: http://www.slcpl.lib.ut.us/events/view/3475/

