Snowmine / Small Black, April 1

Small Black

Small Black

Snowmine has been making some pretty music in the vein of Grizzly Bear and Local Natives. Preview their new album Dialects (play video) and then catch them live at Kilby Court with one of Brooklyn's other notable indie acts Small Black on 4/1 Salt Lake City, UT @ Kilby Court. Tickets here.

Press Release:

Snowmine are set to release their new album - Dialects - through their own imprint Mystery Buildings. Dialects, Snowmine’s second album in their three year history, was entirely written and produced on their own, and recorded by Jake Aron (Grizzly Bear), and Yale Yng Wong (Here We Go Magic) in a church in Uptown Manhattan.

The album chronicles a disoriented period in singer Grayson Sanders’ life, when after the band’s first record, he spontaneously left his job, and spent the following year wandering with a single bag. The lyrics are pulled entirely from the journal he kept during his travels.

Dialects is about communication: With the self, With the lover, With society. It’s about its breakdown, it’s triumphs, and it’s misgivings. Growing off of the band’s previous release, Laminate Pet Animal, Dialects marks a subtle shift in the band’s sound. From the optimistic, tribal undertones of Laminate Pet Animal, to a more ambient, meditative nostalgia.

Recording in a church afforded them the opportunity to record real reverbs, and gather true ambiances one can feel in their headphones. Combine a stronger presence of vintage synthesizers with the beautiful 1960’s cinema-inspired string, woodwind, and choir orchestrations, and you are left with a surreal retro-futurism beckoning you inside for a fireside chat.


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