So long, farewell, Auf Weidersehen, goodbye...

Mark Hofeling, Film Designer (and my lawfully wedded husband), offered to write this short eulogy for NCM lamenting the demise of one of the city's best vintage consignment stores, Elementé on Pierpont ave.

It is with great sadness today that we learned of the loss of a venerable Salt Lake institution, Elementé. 

For nearly 30 years
Elementé has been the anchor of Salt Lake’s design and home shopping scene for those who had homes worth seeing. Kate and Teresa were as reliable as the sunrise and just as warm. Walking through the creaky front door was always like coming home. As a designer for film, I had more than a few last minute set decoration emergencies, and they were always happy to save my bacon, again and again.

As our fair city evolves and changes, and as capital sniffs out new opportunities, there will inevitably be casualties. The fact that it is Elemente that gets priced out rather than someplace like RC Willey’s proves there is no god, or not one with any taste anyway.

I know I speak for an entire community when I say thank you to two amazing women and mourn the loss of something I can’t imagine Salt Lake without. Best of luck and lot’s of love to you both, Kate and Teresa.

This really sucks.

Mark Hofeling

Elementé closes on June 31st. Everything must go so be sure to stop by to support and give your regrets in person to these wonderful ladies. 

Address: 353 Pierpont Ave, Salt Lake City, UT 84101
Tel. (801) 355-7400
Hours: 12:00 – 6:00 pm




Damn! ...These Heels 2015