Jared Gold Archive

Jared Gold has a new website archiving his photos, flyers and always entertaining words surrounding his career up to now. Many of the flyer scans come from my Idaho Rave Flyers gallery posted some years ago, of which I'm happy to share. Such a wild and wacky time for all who experienced it. Visit www.goldjared.com.

Jesse & Jared, circa 1995

Jesse & Jared, circa 1995

From Jared's Facebook:

As a work of gratitude to all the people that have assisted and supported me during my creative endeavors, I have assembled a complete archive of everything we ever did together. After a full year of data mining and memory excavating, this is now a permanent home for all our daring times and fascinating making. Black Chandelier, House Jugular, Jared Gold Collection, Nightclubs, Parties, and Runway events. When it comes down to you and the darkness…you know who must win.


The Bagel Project


Hel Hath Frozen Over